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data points with yerrors in pdfcairo terminal

I am plotting data with y-errorbars on a pdfcairo terminal and have a problem to properly size the data points:

plot "" u ($6) : 10 : 11 with yerrorbars pt 7 ps 0.5 t 

ps 1 gives too large a point and decreasing ps gives strange results. Interestingly, on a windows terminal everything looks ok, but the pdfcairo terminal makes problems. What is wrong?


  • Hmm. I see a problem also but I do not know what causes it.

    Workaround Plot the data twice, once to show the error bars and once to show the variable size points. Here is a screenshot of the pdf output using gnuplot 5.4.4

    set term pdfcairo
    set output 'yerrorbar.pdf'
    set sample 51
    set xrange [0:1]
    set key left reverse
    plot '+' using 1:1:(0.2) with yerrorbar lc 'blue' pt 7 ps 0, \
         '+' using 1:1:1 with points lc 'blue' pt 7 ps variable

    enter image description here