Pressing Del
is dealt with as it is an extended key, it returns ASCII code -32
then 83
, while pressing Ctrl + back
returns the expected 127
: the actual ASCII of Del
Do you know any explanation for this?
char x;
x = getch();
if(x == -32 || x == 0){
x = getch();
printf("The key you pressed is an Extended Key, with ASCII code: %d\n", x);
printf("The key you pressed is a Normal Key, with ASCII code: %d\n", x);
The Del key on a standard keyboard does not generate a "Delete" ASCII code: code 127 in the ASCII table isn't meant to do what the Del key does on a computer, it was designed for electric typewriters.
The Del key is a "special key" in a similar vein as the arrow keys, so when you submit it to getch()
it will read out it's scan code.