I working on a Flutter project, where I get/set values from a Google sheet document. For this I use the gsheets 0.4.2 package, which works very well. But now I want to upload images to specified cells but I don't know how.
I'm using this code to update the cells:
static Future updateCell({
required String idobelyeg,
required String key,
required dynamic value,
}) async {
if (_userSheet == null) print("NOT Done");
return _userSheet!.values
.insertValueByKeys(value, columnKey: key, rowKey: idobelyeg)
.then((value) {
Can I upload images to my document with this package, if yes, how can I do that? If the answer is no, how can I upload image to my document?
Depends on what Database
you're using but the only way to manage this is to store the image directly to your Database eg. Firebase
and it automatically generates you a link URL
to that image so you possibly can pass and insert it to your Googlesheets
after that.