Can you explain me what are the benefits of such abstraction as Input Ports in Clean Architecture? Why not use Interactors / Use Cases directly? I understand the role of Output Ports - this way use cases don't have to know about presenters and other adapters. But can't wrap my head around this one. In addition, is there any relation between repository interface and ports? Can repository interfaces be considered Input or Output ports? Thank you!
This serves to implement the Open-Closed Principle.
A software artifact should be open for extension but closed for modification.
Read more about this in chapter 8 of Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture book. Here he writes in the subchapter Information Hiding:
Transitive dependencies are a violation of the general principle that software entities should not depend on things they don’t directly use. We’ll encounter that principle again when we talk about the Interface Segregation Principle and the Common Reuse Principle.
and further:
So, even though our first priority is to protect the Interactor from changes to the Controller, we also want to protect the Controller from changes to the Interactor by hiding the internals of the Interactor.