I'm trying to fetch from a table on another sheet, the IDs that have 2 values in common.
At tab Base
" I have Name
and Date
, and would like to have on Lookup
the ID
's from tab To be fetched
that match both Name
and Date
. Marked in green are the matching values I'm talking about.
I was trying with this formula but it's not working. Even if it would, I think it would probably retrieve the 1st match, not all matches but it was a start, I guess.
=ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP($A$2:$A" "&$B$2:$B,{'To be fetched'!$A$2:$A&" "&'To be fetched'!$C$2:$C,'To be fetched'!$D$2:$D},3,false))
But I don't know nor why doesn't it work at all nor how to fully achieve the intended result.
This is the example google sheet.
use in C2:
LAMBDA(x, TEXTJOIN(", ", 1, FILTER('To be fetched'!D:D,
'To be fetched'!C:C=OFFSET(x,,1), 'To be fetched'!A:A=x)))))