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DAX - Divide a column over itself with different filters to get percentages

In power Pivot I have tables along the lines of:

Table 1

Year Month Branch_ID Store_ID Article Value
2022 10 1 1 Sales 100
2022 10 1 2 Sales 200
2022 10 1 2 Operating expenses 50
2022 10 1 1 Operating expenses 80
2022 10 1 2 Cost of Sales 20
2022 10 1 1 Cost of Sales 30

Table 2

Year Month Branch_ID Store_ID Article Value
2022 10 1 1 Sales_Ecomm 20
2022 10 1 2 Sales_Ecomm 15

Table 3

| Article            |
| Sales              |
| Operating expenses |
| Cost of Sales      |
| Sales_Ecomm        |

There are multiple branches and months, so these columns may not be ignored.

Table 1 and table 2 are separate. Table 3 is connected to both so that I could build a pivot table.

In the pivot table I want to have all articles re-evaluated as percentage of Sales, i.e. I am trying to get a pivot table along the lines of:

Store ID Sales Operating expenses Cost of Sales Sales_Ecomm
Value % of sales Value % of sales Value % of sales Value % of sales
1 100 100.00% 80 80.00% 30 30.00% 20 20.00%
2 200 100.00% 50 25.00% 20 10.00% 15 7.50%

I have a measure

Val. := sum(table1[Value]) + sum(table2[value])

which seems to be working for absolute values of the articles.

However, I can't seem to come up with an appropriate DAX measure for percentages. I have tried:

%_of_Sales := [Val.] / calculate([Val.], filter(table3; table3[Article]="Sales"))

but it only counts Sales as percentage of Sales (100%), yielding #NUM! for other articles in the pivot table.

How do I define a ratio measure so that every article is evaluated against Sales?


  • You're missing a crucial ALL:

                ALL( table3 ),
                table3[Article] = "Sales"

    which is equivalent to:

            table3[Article] = "Sales"