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New LDAP password on LDAP server does not synch to the LDAP client

This is more or less the same issue as the SO article in LDAP server to LDAP client password sync issue, however, I can provide a little bit more info ...

  • I have an slapd server on a Raspberry acting as LDAP server
  • another Raspi, the client is configured to get its login credentials also from this LDAP server

The problem is, when I change the user password of some LDAP user on the LDAP server with e.g.

ldappasswd -x -D uid=user1,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=net -a <<OLDPWD>> -s <<NEWPWD>> -w <<OLDPWD>>

then the new password is in effect for binding, e.g.:

ldapwhoami -x -W -D uid=user1,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=net

on the LDAP server works with the new password, but not with the old. Also, if I request the user details with:

ldapsearch -x -W -D uid=user1,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=net -b "uid=user1,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=net"

then the user's attributes show that the password in the attribute userPassword actually has changed.

Everything ok so far.

However, on the LDAP client (other Raspi), I can still login using the old password while the new password gives me an "error on authenticating".

I know some internal databases (name services) are cached using nscd (name service caching daemon). Using this, I can invalidate the local database cache on the LDAP client with:

nscd -i passwd
nscd -i group

However, this only invalidates data found normally in /etc/passwd and /etc/group. But the (cached??) LDAP password is not invalidated.

I assume the problem is merely on the LDAP client side, because the password change seems to work instantly when working on the LDAP server.

So my question is: who/what caches the old LDAP password on the LDAP client? And how can I force the new LDAP password to come into effect on all LDAP clients, in other words: how can I invalidate all cached LDAP passwords on the LDAP clients?


  • Oh dammit, my own fault:

    I overlooked that I had a network issue so that the LDAP server would not be reachable by the LDAP client, although I could login to the server, so I did not realize that they did not see each other. In this case (server not reachable) the LDAP client would use the cached password. This is not a bug, but an important feature. Without this, login would not be possible when the LDAP server cannot be reached, e.g. for working offline.

    As soon as I amended the network settings so that the LDAP server could be seen from the client, everything started working as expected!