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Needing advice on structuring a larger scale batch file game

So I've started getting familiar with Batch for the last year off and on, all self taught, and I've made a few little dinky projects here and there but I'm wanting to find out the best way to go about expanding my code. Using other programs for inspiration I've learned just the tip of the icebergs for "FOR loops" and using functions and small macro processes. I want to know if there is anything I should do differently in terms of architecture and planning so I can one day make amazing Batch programs like T3RROR (little weird but I'm a big fan and your my batch idol).

Below is my most complex batch code I've written and a template for future games, please add any tip or advice.

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
title crafting micro
color 2
::initializes at the start of the program
set /a display_message=0
set /a inv_fiber=1
set /a fiber_qty=100
set /a inv_rope=0
set /a rope_qty=0
set /a inv_stick=1
set /a stick_qty=100
set /a inv_stone=1
set /a stone_qty=100
set /a inv_sharpened_stone=0
set /a sharpened_stone_qty=0
set /a inv_spear=0
set /a spear_qty=0
set /a inv_handaxe=0
set /a handaxe_qty=0
set /a inv_hammer=0
set /a hammer_qty=0
echo ----------------------------------------------------
echo         Crafting Menu
echo ----------------------------------------------------
echo Raw materials
echo -------------
if %inv_fiber%==1 echo Fiber: x%fiber_qty%
if %inv_stick%==1 echo Stick: x%stick_qty%
if %inv_stone%==1 echo Stone: x%stone_qty%
echo Refined Materials
echo -----------------
if %inv_rope%==1 echo Rope: x%rope_qty%
if %inv_sharpened_stone%==1 echo Sharpened Stone: x%sharpened_stone_qty%
echo Tools
echo -----
if %inv_spear%==1 echo Spear: x%spear_qty%
if %inv_handaxe%==1 echo Handaxe: x%handaxe_qty%
if %inv_hammer%==1 echo Hammer: x%hammer_qty%
::sets visibility
echo ----------------------------------------------------
echo What do you wanna craft?
echo 1. Rope (x3 Fiber)
echo 2. Sharpened Stone (x2 Stones)
echo 3. Spear (x1 Rope, x1 Stick, x1 Sharpened Stone )
echo 4. Handaxe (x2 Rope, x2 Stick, x1 Sharpened Stone)
echo 5. Hammer (x2 Rope, x2 Stick, x1 Stone)
choice /c 12345

if %errorlevel%==1 (
    set item=Rope
    ::item being crafted
    set /a req1=%fiber_qty%
    ::1st required item
    set /a min1=3
    :: minimum amount needed to craft
    set /a req2=0
    set /a min2=0
    set /a req3=0
    set /a min3=0
    set var1=fiber
    ::passes a string to be use for a vavriable
    set var2=
    set var3=
    set var4=rope
if %errorlevel%==2 (
    set item='Sharpened Stone'
    set /a req1=%stone_qty%
    set /a min1=2
    set /a req2=0
    set /a min2=0
    set /a req3=0
    set /a min3=0
    set var1=stone
    set var2=
    set var3=
    set var4=sharpened_stone
if %errorlevel%==3 (
    set item=Spear
    set /a req1=%rope_qty%
    set /a min1=1
    set /a req2=%stick_qty%
    set /a min2=1
    set /a req3=%sharpened_stone_qty%
    set /a min3=1
    set var1=rope
    set var2=stick
    set var3=sharpened_stone
    set var4=spear
if %errorlevel%==4 (
    set item=Handaxe
    set /a req1=%rope_qty%
    set /a min1=2
    set /a req2=%stick_qty%
    set /a min2=2
    set /a req3=%sharpened_stone_qty%
    set /a min3=1
    set var1=rope
    set var2=stick
    set var3=sharpened_stone
    set var4=handaxe
if %errorlevel%==5 (
    set item=Hammer
    set /a req1=%rope_qty%
    set /a min1=2
    set /a req2=%stick_qty%
    set /a min2=2
    set /a req3=%stone_qty%
    set /a min3=1
    set var1=rope
    set var2=stick
    set var3=stone
    set var4=hammer
if %req1% GEQ %min1% (  
    if %req2% GEQ %min2% (
        if %req3% GEQ %min3% (
        ::checks minimum requried material inventory for crafting
            set /a %var1%_qty=!%var1%_qty!-%min1%
            set /a %var2%_qty=!%var2%_qty!-%min2%
            set /a %var3%_qty=!%var3%_qty!-%min3%
            ::uses all the required inventory for crafting
            set /a %var4%_qty=!%var4%_qty!+1
            ::creates the crafted item
            set /a inv_%var4%=1
            ::makes the new item is visible
            if %req1% LEQ 0 (
                set inv_%var1%=0
            if %req2% LEQ 0 (
                set inv_%var2%=0
            if %req3% LEQ 0 (
                set inv_%var3%=0
            ::makes the items ivisible if there is no inventory
            set /a display_message=1
            set message='You have successfully created a %item%!'
            goto message
set /a display_message=1
set message=You dont have enough material for this
goto message
if %display_message%==1 (
    echo %message%
    set /a display_message=0
    goto start
::General Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
title Game Template
color 02
cd "%userprofile%\desktop"

::Game Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

goto welcome

::Welcome Screen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Welcome to this Game!
echo Please select one of the options below
echo 1. New Game
echo 2. Load Game
echo 3. Credits

choice /c 123
if %errorlevel%==1 goto back_story
if %errorlevel%==2 goto load_game
if %errorlevel%==3 goto credits

goto welcome

::Save Game -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo %location%
echo %player_name%

echo Game saved...

goto :eof

::Load Game -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set /p location=
set /p player_name=

goto %location%

::Back Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo Backstory...
pause >nul

goto character_creation

::Character Creation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo What is your name?

set /p player_name=
if /i "%player_name%"=="" (
    echo Player name can not be blank.
    pause >nul
    goto character_creation
goto start

::Game Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set location=start

echo %player_name%
echo %location%
echo 1. Pause Menu

choice /c 1
if %errorlevel%==1 goto pause_menu

goto start

::Pause Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo 1. Save Game
echo 2. Return
echo 3. Quit

choice /c 123
if %errorlevel%==1 call :save_game
if %errorlevel%==2 goto %location%
if %errorlevel%==3 goto exit

goto pause_menu

::Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo credits...
pause >nul

goto welcome


  •     if %req3% GEQ %min3% (
        ::checks minimum requried material inventory for crafting
            set /a %var1%_qty=!%var1%_qty!-%min1%

    won't work properly - :: comments are actually broken labels (labels that cannot be reached with a goto) and break code blocks (parenthesised series of statements)

    Reserve a prefix character for any variable that you may want to save to a file for reloading later. EG #

    set #>filename

    saves all of the variables that start # to the file in the form #whatever=something.

    Reload with

    for /f "delims=" %%e in (filename) do set "%%e"

    Equally, you can set up scenario files by choosing another prefix character.

    Clearing the current values of variables-beginning-# is

    for/f "delims==" %%e in ('set # 2^>nul') do set "%%e="

    which you do just before loading from file.

    Use set "var=value" for setting string values - this avoids problems caused by trailing spaces. Don't assign a terminal \, Space or " - build pathnames from the elements - counterintuitively, it is likely to make the process easier. If the syntax set var="value" is used, then the quotes become part of the value assigned.

    set up a menu subroutine using choice

    set "choices="
    set /a choicecount=0
    set /a choicecount+=1
    if defined choicetext[%choicecount%] echo %choicecount%. choicetext[%choicecount%]&set "choices=%choices%%choicecount%"
    if %choicecount% lss 9 goto menunext
    echo Q. Quit
    choice /c q%choices% /N /M "%~1"
    goto :eof

    This way, you can set up the available choices in choicetext[?] (and clear them with

    for/f "delims==" %%e in ('set choicetext[ 2^>nul') do set "%%e="

    ) then display the menu by executing

    call :menu "Some message"

    When `:menu" returns, you can then

    GOTO Someplace%errorlevel%

    which will goto someplace2 etc. Note that because q is always the first character of the choices, then q will always return errorlevel 1, hence the label :whatever1 will mean q was pressed. That way, you don't need to alter the quit code should you extend the menu.

    (X for eXit works, too.)