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How to ignore null value toJson using freezed?

I've tried to create a profile model like this; fromJson looks good, but I have a problem with toJson:

  fromJson: true,
  toJson: true,
  map: FreezedMapOptions.none,
  when: FreezedWhenOptions.none,
class ProfileAttribute with _$ProfileAttribute {
  const factory ProfileAttribute({
    @JsonKey(name: '_id', includeIfNull: false) final String? id,
    final String? uid,
    final String? username,
    final String? name,
    final String? phone,
    final String? email,
    final String? address,
    final String? image,
  }) = _ProfileAttribute;

  factory ProfileAttribute.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

I see on debug toJson will send:

"attributes": {
   "_id": null,
   "uid": null,
   "username": null,
   "name": null,
   "phone": null,
   "email": "",
   "address": null,
   "image": null

In this case, I just want to send email to backend like:

"attributes": {
   "email": ""

How to ignore null value in toJson?


  • Use @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) (docs) on every field you want not included when null, or @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false) (docs) on a class level if you don't want to include any


    class Person with _$Person {
      @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
      const factory Person({
        String? firstName,
        String? lastName,
        int? age,
      }) = _Person;
      factory Person.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$PersonFromJson(json);

    generates this toJson:

    Map<String, dynamic> _$$_PersonToJson(_$_Person instance) {
      final val = <String, dynamic>{};
      void writeNotNull(String key, dynamic value) {
        if (value != null) {
          val[key] = value;
      writeNotNull('firstName', instance.firstName);
      writeNotNull('lastName', instance.lastName);
      writeNotNull('age', instance.age);
      return val;

    notice the last 4 lines of this function