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is it possible to make an inverted prediction with an nlsList object?

I have fitted an nlsList model with my data and now I need to estimate the value of "x" corresponding to a given "y" using my model.

I have tried with "invest" from investr package, but it works only with objects from class lm, glm, nls, or lme.


  • When posting to SO the question needs to provide a reproducible example for testing including input, code and expected output. See the instructions at the top of the tag page. I have done it for you this time in the Note at the end.

    Create a function pred which predicts Sepal.Width given Sepal.Length and Species. Then we can use uniroot as shown:

    # run code in Note
    pred <- function(Sepal.Length, Species) {
      predict(fm, list(Sepal.Length = Sepal.Length, Species = Species))
    uniroot(function(x) pred(x, "virginica") - 3, c(-10, 10))

    This gives the following which says that the Sepal.Length corresponding to a Sepal.Width of 3 and Species virginica is 6.7168.

    [1] 6.716803
    [1] "Predicted values"
    [1] 5
    [1] NA
    [1] 6.103516e-05


    Reproducible example using built=in iris data set follows. We assume that given Sepal.Width = 3 and Species = "virginica" that we want to find Sepal.Length.

    fm <- nlsList(Sepal.Width ~ a * exp(Sepal.Length*b) | Species, data = iris, 
      start = list(a = 0.5, b = 0.5))