This is a simple example of what I want to do.
// main.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Material
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: "Example App"
Material.theme: Material.Dark
MyLabel {
id: idMyLabel
anchors.centerIn: parent
MyButton { idMyLabel.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
// MyLabel.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Material
RowLayout {
spacing: 40
Label {
id: idInnerLabel1
text: "Label 1"
Label {
id: idInnerLabel2
text: "Label 2"
Label {
id: idInnerLabel3
text: "Label 3"
// MyButton.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Material
Page {
Button {
text: "Change"
onClicked: idInnerLabel2.text = "Changed"
But, I got an error when I run this example.
ReferenceError: idInnerLabel2 is not defined
I wanted to communicate between nested QML files. Putting them together in one file worked fine. So I was confused and I couldn't understand its inner working.
How can I resolve this issue?
Since both MyButton and MyLabel appear in main.qml the simplest solution would be to create a property in main.qml that both can access.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
Page {
property string txt1: "Label 1"
property string txt2: "Label 2"
property string txt3: "Label 3"
MyLabel {
id: idMyLabel
anchors.centerIn: parent
MyButton { idMyLabel.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
// MyLabel.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Material
RowLayout {
spacing: 40
Label {
text: txt1
Label {
text: txt2
Label {
text: txt3
// MyButton.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Material
Page {
Button {
text: "Change"
onClicked: txt2 = "Changed"
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