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Type.GetType(string typeName) returns null

My code is

type = Type.GetType(key);

Key which i pass is a namespace qualified name .

My code is in BusinessLayer. I am creating a instance of DataAccessLayer. DataAccessLayer reference is added to BusinessLayer.

I am getting the error as "Could not load type 'Catalyst.DAL.ExamDAO.CExamDAO' from assembly 'BusinessLayer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.".

What should i do to specify explicitly thats the class is from DataAccessLayer ?

Key vale is "Catalyst.DAL.ExamDAO.CExamDAO"

Edit :

My actual code is

public static object getClassInstance(string key, params  object[] constructorArgs)
            string assemblyPath = null;
            string customClassName = null;
            DataSet objDataset = getAssemblyInfo(key);
            if (objDataset != null && objDataset.Tables.Count > 0 && objDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                assemblyPath = objDataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ACA_ASSEMBLY_PATH"].ToString();
                customClassName = objDataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ACA_CLASS_NAME"].ToString();

            Assembly assembly;
            Type type;

            if (assemblyPath != null && assemblyPath != string.Empty)
                assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);
                type = assembly.GetType(customClassName);
            else // if no customisation
                type = Type.GetType(key);

            object classInstance = constructorArgs == null ? Activator.CreateInstance(type) : Activator.CreateInstance(type, constructorArgs);
            if (classInstance == null) throw new Exception("broke");
            return classInstance;


I am trying to load the default classes if there is no customization . Method is in BO . If i pass the key as namespace qualified names of any Bo type it converts . But DAO type it wont


  • If you know that whatever type it is will be within DataAccessLayer, then I'd get an Assembly reference as simply as possible, e.g.

     Assembly assembly = typeof(AnyPublicTypeWithinTargetAssembly).Assembly;
     Type type = assembly.GetType(namespaceQualifiedTypeName);

    An alternative is to use Type.GetType with an assembly-qualified name, but that's more long-winded in terms of specifying the type name.