My stepper is defined as follows (Standalone WatchOS app)
Stepper(value: $myCount) {
It is fully functional on the real / simulator devices. During a test case, defined below, I am unable to invoke the increment button. (I get an error and the button itself is not hittable, ever)
XCTAssertTrue(app.steppers["my_stepper"].waitForExistence(timeout: 10))
-> (Error) app.steppers["my_stepper"].buttons["Add"].tap()
Error kAXErrorCannotComplete performing AXAction kAXScrollToVisibleAction on element AX element pid
I tried to forceTap (using coordinates) with no luck. Any idea how to invoke the increment action?
While the increment and decrement buttons exist in the view stack, they are not hittable. Likely a bug in SwiftUI that impacts either WatchOS or all platforms. Best way I have found to temporarily get past the issue is using the following tutorial :
app.steppers["my_stepper"].coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.9, dy: 0.5)).tap()
This is a workaround that will probably fail on different devices. For me, it would only work with Ultra 49mm watchOS 9.0. Accepting this until a better answer is found.