I have approximately 6000 documents in pdf format, they have a different structure but inside they all contain the same date and code (With different structure I mean that the location of these values changes in each document) I am working with Document IA that extracts all the information, but I would like to know if there is a possibility to only extract the fields that I need. Would Document IA workbench be the best option?
Did you mean creating a custom document extractor? You can do this in Document AI, Visit this link for this feature.
Tldr; you will have to do this on Document AI's workbench and train your own extractor(Uploading files and train the processor to extract data specified) For steps on this feature, I would suggest to visit this documentation for the detailed steps on this.
Also please be noted that this feature is on the Preview stage at the moment. Preview offerings are often publicly announced, but are not necessarily feature-complete, and no SLAs or technical support commitments are provided for these.