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Reformatting date value in content-script for Chrome extension

I have the following function that creates a table and inserts the date & price into rows within the table:

function createTable({ data, propertyId }) {
  const table = createElement({
    tag: 'table',
    id: `p-${propertyId}`,
    border: '1',

  const tableHeader = createElement({
    tag: 'caption',
    innerText: 'Table title',

  const tableBody = createElement({
    tag: 'tbody',

  //order dates so that most recent is displayed last
    .sort((prev, current) => {
      const prevDate = prev['date_created'].replace('/', '-').replace('/', '-');
      const currentDate = current['date_created']
        .replace('/', '-')
        .replace('/', '-');
      return new Date(prevDate) - new Date(currentDate);
    .forEach((item) => {
      const row = createElement({
        tag: 'tr',

      const date = createElement({
        tag: 'td',
        innerHTML: item.date_created,

      const price = createElement({
        tag: 'td',
        innerHTML: item.price,

      row.append(date, price);

  table.append(tableHeader, tableBody);
  return table;

The date format is currently: YYYY/MM/DD and I'd like it to be DD/MM/YYYY. I have the below function that reformats the date as I'd like it to, but I've been struggling to implement into my code, as I can't call the function in innerHtml where the date is being populated (item_date_created). Can anyone please advise?

function reformatDate(dateStr) {
  var dArr = dateStr.split('-'); // ex input: "2010-01-18"
  return dArr[2] + '/' + dArr[1] + '/' + dArr[0].substring(2); //ex output: "18/01/10"

For example, adding:

let reformattedDate = reformatDate(item.date_created);

below for the forEach gives the following output: undefined/undefined/22/11/06


  • Managed to resolve the issue like so:

        .forEach((item) => {
          let reformattedDate = reformatDate(item.date_created);
          const row = createElement({
            tag: 'tr',
          const date = createElement({
            tag: 'td',
            innerHTML: reformattedDate,
          const price = createElement({
            tag: 'td',
            innerHTML: item.price,
            className: 'pp-price',
          row.append(date, price);
    function reformatDate(dateStr) {
      const [year, month, day] = dateStr.split('/');
      const result = [day, month, year].join('/');
      return result;