On Visual Studio 2022, Windows 11.
Linq to SQL tools is installed from installer (Individual Components).
When right clicking a dbml file and View Designer, it just sticks on this and eventually needs an end task:
Tried (to no avail):
Any ideas what might be causing this? (Ran OK under Win 10 / VS 2022).
Edit: I've had this after every new PC install with Win 11, VS 2022 (3 work PCs), but it seems to resolve itself after a few days. I now know why, see marked answer re toolbox.
Viewing the Toolbox and (optionally) resetting it (right click > Reset) seems to solve this. It seems the designer can't open when the toolbox is not initialised (or fails to initialise). It is often a while before I open the toolbox on a new install so I kept on encountering this problem.