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Correct planner estimate of 1:1 join without FK or left join

In below example, I am joining two identical tables on two columns:

create table a (id int,txt text);
create table b (id int,txt text);
insert into a select *,* from generate_series(1,40000);
insert into b select *,* from generate_series(1,40000);
analyze a;
analyze b;
explain analyze 
select * from a inner join b on = and a.txt = b.txt;

In the explain plan you can see that it underestimates the number of rows that come out of the join by ~40.000. It thinks 1 row comes out instead of 40.000. In my real world example, on which this theoretical example is based on, this is a problem as this gross incorrect estimation on number of rows causes bad execution plans of bigger queries where this join is part of:

Hash Join  (... rows=1 ...) (actual ... rows=40000 ...) 

So clearly the planner does not know that for each row in table a it will find a row in table b. Clear, how should it? Two fixes come to mind:

(A) Left Join

Using a left join we can correct the estimates:

explain analyze 
select * from a LEFT join b on = and a.txt = b.txt;

We can see the estimates are correct now:

Hash Left Join  (... rows=40000 ...) (actual ... rows=40000 ...)     

(B) Foreign Key

Using a foreign key we can correct the estimates as well:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_b ON b USING btree (id,txt);

alter table a add constraint fk_a foreign key (id,txt) references b (id,txt);

explain analyze 
select * from a inner join b on = and a.txt = b.txt;

We can see the estimates are correct now:

Hash Join  (... rows=40000 ...) (actual ... rows=40000 ...)

I neither want to make the join a left join, as I can not guarantee that the query results will then 100% be the same as before in all edge cases. Nor do I want to introduce the FK, as the program does inserts into the tables in a variety of orders and I would have to change the application.

Can you think of other ways to tell the planner about this special relation of these two tables? Maybe a particular way of writing the query? Or some kind of statistics object? Any ideas?


This was tested on two versions:

PostgreSQL 12.9 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit
PostgreSQL 14.6, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit

UPDATE - Example why this misestimation is a problem:

In my real world example it is problematic that postgres thinks that 1 row comes out of the join when in reality 40.000 rows come out. This is because it then decides to do a nested loop of the 1 row (which in reality is 40.000 rows) with a FTS on a big table - so 40.000 FTS on a big table:

create table c (id int,txt text);

insert into c select *,* from generate_series(1,40000000);

analyze c;

SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;

set join_collapse_limit = 1;

with a_b as (
    select a_id, b_id,a.txt a_txt,b.txt b_txt 
    from a inner join b 
    on = and a.txt = b.txt
select * from a_b inner join c 
on a_b.a_id = and a_b.b_txt = c.txt and a_b.b_id = and a_b.a_txt =;

Which is 40.000 FTS of table c:

QUERY PLAN                                                             |
Nested Loop  (cost=1216.00..921352.51 rows=1 width=30)                 |
  Join Filter: (( = AND (a.txt = c.txt))                     |
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=1216.00..2132.01 rows=1 width=18)               |
        Hash Cond: (( = AND (a.txt = b.txt))                 |
        ->  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)      |
        ->  Hash  (cost=616.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)             |
              ->  Seq Scan on b  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)|
  ->  Seq Scan on c  (cost=0.00..916220.48 rows=200001 width=12)       |
        Filter: (txt = (id)::text)                                     |

Interestingly the left join trick does not even work here, only the FK corrects the estimations and therefore the plan:

/* left join trick not working*/ 

with a_b as (
    select a_id, b_id,a.txt a_txt,b.txt b_txt 
    from a LEFT join b 
    on = and a.txt = b.txt
select * from a_b inner join c 
on a_b.a_id = and a_b.b_txt = c.txt and a_b.b_id = and a_b.a_txt =;

/*QUERY PLAN                                                           |
Nested Loop  (cost=1216.00..921352.51 rows=1 width=30)                 |
  Join Filter: (( = AND (a.txt = c.txt))                     |
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=1216.00..2132.01 rows=1 width=18)               |
        Hash Cond: (( = AND (a.txt = b.txt))                 |
        ->  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)      |
        ->  Hash  (cost=616.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)             |
              ->  Seq Scan on b  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)|
  ->  Seq Scan on c  (cost=0.00..916220.48 rows=200001 width=12)       |
        Filter: (txt = (id)::text)                                     |*/

/* with the FK the plan is correct */ 

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_b ON b USING btree (id,txt);
alter table a add constraint fk_a foreign key (id,txt) references b (id,txt); 
with a_b as (
    select a_id, b_id,a.txt a_txt,b.txt b_txt 
    from a join b 
    on = and a.txt = b.txt
select * from a_b inner join c 
on a_b.a_id = and a_b.b_txt = c.txt and a_b.b_id = and a_b.a_txt =;

/*QUERY PLAN                                                                   |
Hash Join  (cost=2642.00..920362.50 rows=1 width=30)                         |
  Hash Cond: (( = AND (c.txt = a.txt))                             |
  ->  Seq Scan on c  (cost=0.00..916220.48 rows=200001 width=12)             |
        Filter: (txt = (id)::text)                                           |
  ->  Hash  (cost=2042.00..2042.00 rows=40000 width=18)                      |
        ->  Hash Join  (cost=1216.00..2042.00 rows=40000 width=18)           |
              Hash Cond: (( = AND (a.txt = b.txt))                 |
              ->  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)      |
              ->  Hash  (cost=616.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)             |
                    ->  Seq Scan on b  (cost=0.00..616.00 rows=40000 width=9)|*/

Screenshot of the execution plan of the real world example that this sample is based on (green arrows show the problem). Note that the real world example has the 1:1 problem 2 times in a row (2 FKs would solve it here):

enter image description here


  • There are no cross-table statistics in PostgreSQL, so you won't be able to fix that bad estimate. If that is part of a bigger query and the misestimate causes a problem, you could split the query in two parts: first calculate the subquery with the bad estimate and populate a temporary table with it, then ANALYZE that temporary table to make sure the estimates are correct, then use the temporary table with the rest of your query.