I've been struggling to create a BaselineProfile in my existing project. There seems to be a conflict between the Hilt WorkManager configuration and the BaselineProfileGenerator.
Whenever I try to generate the profile I get the following error:
...MyApplication_HiltComponents.java:192: error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.google.firebase.remoteconfig.FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or an @Provides-annotated method.
public abstract static class SingletonC implements BaseApplication.WorkerFactoryEntryPoint,
com.google.firebase.remoteconfig.FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings is injected at
{redacted package}.ApplicationModule.provideFirebaseRemoteConfig(settings)
In order to run UI tests and still having WorkManager injected with Hilt my application looks like this:
class MyApplication : BaseApplication()
And the BaseApplication looks like this:
open class BaseApplication : Application(), Configuration.Provider {
private val workerFactory by lazy {
EntryPointAccessors.fromApplication(applicationContext, WorkerFactoryEntryPoint::class.java)
override fun getWorkManagerConfiguration(): Configuration {
return Configuration.Builder().setWorkerFactory(workerFactory).build()
interface WorkerFactoryEntryPoint {
fun getWorkerFactory(): HiltWorkerFactory
The code to generate the BaselineProfile is very basic:
class BaselineProfileGenerator {
@get:Rule(order = 1)
val baselineProfileRule = BaselineProfileRule()
fun generate() = baselineProfileRule.collectBaselineProfile(
packageName = MY_PACKAGE
) {
Does anyone have any ideas what else I need to do to generate a baseline with such a setup?
Thanks in advance!
This doesn't look like a problem with WorkManager but with FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings
, given that's where the error message is pointing to:
error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] ...FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or an @Provides-annotated method.