I am making an application in which the user can draw a polygon on a map by points. I need to somehow make sure that the polygon does not have self-intersections. I know it is possible to manually check each line. There are various methods for this. But I noticed that Google Maps automatically fills polygons that do not have self-intersections. Is it possible to get this value from the plugin somehow?
i am using google_maps_flutter
Perhaps this will be useful to someone. I did not find a built-in function in the plugins listed in the question. So I wrote my own function:
true - there are self-intersections
bool isNotSimplePolygon(List<LatLng> polygon){
if(polygon.length <= 3)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < polygon.length - 2; i++){
double x1 = polygon[i].latitude;
double y1 = polygon[i].longitude;
double x2 = polygon[i + 1].latitude;
double y2 = polygon[i + 1].longitude;
double maxx1 = max(x1, x2), maxy1 = max(y1, y2);
double minx1 = min(x1, x2), miny1 = min(y1, y2);
for (int j = i + 2; j < polygon.length; j++) {
double x21 = polygon[j].latitude;
double y21 = polygon[j].longitude;
double x22 = polygon[(j + 1) == polygon.length ? 0 : (j + 1)].latitude;
double y22 = polygon[(j + 1) == polygon.length ? 0 : (j + 1)].longitude;
double maxx2 = max(x21, x22), maxy2 = max(y21, y22);
double minx2 = min(x21, x22), miny2 = min(y21, y22);
if ((x1 == x21 && y1 == y21) || (x2 == x22 && y2 == y22) || (x1 == x22 && y1 == y22) || (x2 == x21 && y2 == y21))
if (minx1 > maxx2 || maxx1 < minx2 || miny1 > maxy2 || maxy1 < miny2)
continue; // The moment when the lines have one common vertex...
double dx1 = x2-x1, dy1 = y2-y1; // The length of the projections of the first line on the x and y axes
double dx2 = x22-x21, dy2 = y22-y21; // The length of the projections of the second line on the x and y axes
double dxx = x1-x21, dyy = y1-y21;
double div = dy2 * dx1 - dx2 * dy1;
double mul1 = dx1 * dyy - dy1 * dxx;
double mul2 = dx2 * dyy - dy2 * dxx;
if (div == 0)
continue; // Lines are parallel...
if (div > 0) {
if (mul1 < 0 || mul1 > div)
continue; // The first segment intersects beyond its boundaries...
if (mul2 < 0 || mul2 > div)
continue; // // The second segment intersects beyond its borders...
if (-mul1 < 0 || -mul1 > -div)
continue; // The first segment intersects beyond its boundaries...
if (-mul2 < 0 || -mul2 > -div)
continue; // The second segment intersects beyond its borders...
return true;
return false;