In a directed python-igraph, I can find the paths between two vertices as follows:
[[3, 1, 0, 2]]
Is there a simple way to get the modes (in or out) of the edges along the path?
I've tried looking at the induced subgraph, and using the 'in' and 'out' modes instead of 'all'. I could manually walk the tree, but I'm looking for something more compact and pythonic.
Ideally there would be a method that would return the following for the above scenario:
Something like this should do the trick:
def consecutive_pairs(items):
return zip(items, items[1:])
def classify_edges_in_path(path, graph):
return [
"in" if graph.get_eid(u, v, error=False) >= 0 else "out"
for u, v in consecutive_pairs(path)
The trick here is that graph.get_eid(u, v, error=False)
will return -1 if the u-v edge does not exist. Since the path itself exists, you can then know that it must be the v-u edge that is in the path.
is only for readability; you can inline it if you want.