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Smarty counter variable define in parent file but increment and using inside child includ file

I like to define a counter variable in parent tpl file (First.tpl) and increment and using it inside child include file (Second.tpl).

But the counter does not increase anymore.


{assign var = "counter" value = 1 scope = "global"}
{foreach ...} //iterates at least 100 times
  {include file='Second.tpl'}


{assign var="counter" value = $counter+1}
{$counter} //counter does not increase!

{if $counter > 10} do-something {/if} // if statement fails always!


  • This is the way I use to do something like that, increasing the value inside the loop, and passing the value to the included file. Try it:


    {assign var="counter" value=0}
    {foreach ...} /* iterates at least 100 times */
        {assign var="counter" value=$counter+1}
        {include file='Second.tpl' counter=$counter}


    {$counter} /* Check if counter increase */
    {if $counter > 10} do-something {/if}

    Note.- I initialized $counter to zero.