I want to filter the records between timestamps from information_schema.warehouse_load_history() somehow below query is returning the empty result.
select date_part(epoch_millisecond, convert_timezone('UTC', END_TIME)), WAREHOUSE_NAME, AVG_RUNNING, AVG_QUEUED_LOAD, AVG_QUEUED_PROVISIONING, AVG_BLOCKED from table(information_schema.warehouse_load_history()) where date_part(epoch_millisecond, convert_timezone('UTC', END_TIME)) >= 1668081337659 and date_part(epoch_millisecond, convert_timezone('UTC', END_TIME)) <= 1668083015000
The important point here is, the filters in the WHERE clause will be applied after the warehouse_load_history table function returns a result set. This rule is valid for any information schema table functions (ie query_history).
The function accepts DATE_RANGE_START, DATE_RANGE_END and WAREHOUSE_NAME parameters.
So your query only returns the last 10 minutes of data for all warehouses. Your WHERE filter is applied to this returning data.
In short, you should use the filters of the function first (as I said, it's the same for all information schema functions), and then you should use the WHERE clause for additional filters.