Is it possible to install a pip package in a way so that it gets not listed when doing pip freeze > requirements.txt
I am thinkging of an equivalent to: poetry add --dev
which adds (installs) a package as a development dependency, but it does not appear in dependency list.
Is there a way in pip
to do something similar?
What you want is pipenv. There are ways of making RStudio work with pipenv (link to an article). This allows both complete package control, python version specification for a project as well as virtualenv, all in one. Otherwise, you'd have to maintain your requirements.txt file manually, and further down the line use a constraints.txt file, also.
Think of pipenv files as what yarn.lock files (JS) vs package.json file + some extra sweet features.
You can use pipenv to generate a requirements.txt file by doing:
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
While you can add/install packages in development mode by:
pipenv install --dev <mypackage>