I'm trying to enable a new post authentication handler in order to use the authenticated user info. I tried to follow this guide: https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS570/Writing+a+Post-Authentication+Handler#WritingaPost-AuthenticationHandler-ByreturningaPostAuthnHandlerFlowStatus using the sample code in https://github.com/wso2/samples-is/tree/master/etc/sample-post-authentication-handler
So I created the jar of sample-post-authentication-handler and i putted it in the dropins server folder, and disclaimer.jsp in the authenticationendpoint folder. I run the server and I logged with a sample application, but the handler doesn't fire. I tried to put logs on DisclaimerPostAuthnHandlerServiceComponent and DisclaimerPostAuthenticationHandler, I enabled the log4j log level of the package. In the end, I tried to log with system.out, but I never see in the server log something about the registration of the handler. I think the DisclaimerPostAuthnHandlerServiceComponent is ignored, so the handler is not registered.
Where I'm wrong?
I'm using wso2 5.7.0 and I'm really new to wso2 and osgi.
Seems you have built the master branch source code https://github.com/wso2/samples-is/tree/master/etc/sample-post-authentication-handler and obtained the jar and tried to use it with IS-5.7.0 But, the samples are available in the master branch might not compatible with the previous releases due to dependency updates.
When I tried the sample-post-authentication-handler jar file built from the master branch, it won't get activated properly in IS-5.7.0. It's in installed state due to the failure of resolving required dependencies.
NOTE: Check the "Useful OSGi commands to debug" section of https://medium.com/p/482f6e5e3ea5 to understand how we can check whether the OSGi bundles are activated or not.
Can you try the sample-post-authentication-handler in tag v1.0.0? It's compatible with Is-5.7.0 https://github.com/wso2/samples-is/tree/v1.0.0/sample-post-authentication-handler/src/main