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how to catch mongo change streams when one key in object gets updated

I am using the mongo change stream to update some of my data in the cache. This is the Documentation i am following.

I want to know when one of the keys in my object gets updated.

Schema :- attributes: { position: { type: Number } },

How will I come to know when the position will get updated?

This is how my updateDescription object looks like after updation

updateDescription = {
    updatedFields: { 'attributes.position': 1, randomKey: '1234'},
    removedFields: []

Tried this and its not working
      $match: {
        $and: [
          { operationType: { $in: ['update'] } },
            $or: [
              { 'updateDescription.updatedFields[attributes.position]': { $exists: true } },
  { fullDocument: 'updateLookup' },


  • I was able to fix it like this,

    const streamUpdates = <CollectionName>.watch(
              'updateDescription.updatedFields': { $objectToArray: '$updateDescription.updatedFields' },
              fullDocument: 1,
              operationType: 1,
          $match: {
            $and: [
              { operationType: 'update' },
                'updateDescription.updatedFields.k': {
                  $in: [
      { fullDocument: 'updateLookup' },

    and then do something with the stream

    streamUpdates.on('change', async (next) => {
        //your logic 

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