Is there any way to lessen the Lambda Layer dropped events? It keeps on dropping the traces before they reached the central collector. Before it exports the traces, it will then fetch the token to make an authorized sending of traces to the central collector. But it does not push the traces as it is being dropped because the lambda function execution is already done.
Lambda Extension Layer Reference:
Exporter Error:
Exporting failed. No more retries left. Dropping data.
"kind": "exporter",
"data_type": "traces",
"name": "otlp",
"error": "max elapsed time expired rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded",
"dropped_items": 8
I encountered the same problem and did some research. Unfortunately, it is a known issue that has not been resolved yet in the latest version of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda (ADOT Lambda)
Github issue tickets:
The short answer: currently the otel collector extension does not work reliably as it gets frozen by the lamda environment while it is still sending data to the exporters. As a workaround, you can send the traces directly to a collector running outside the lambda container.
The problem is:
What complicates the solution is that it is very hard for an extension to detect whether the main lambda has finished processing.
Ideally, a telemetry extension would:
The lambda extension protocol doesn't tell the extension when the main lambda has finished processing (it would be great if AWS could add that to the extension protocol as a new event type).
There is a proposed PR that tries to work around this by assuming that lambdas always send traces, so instead of waiting for the lambda to complete, it waits for a TCP request to the OTLP receiver to arrive. This works, but it makes the extension hang forever if the lambda never sends any traces.
Note: the same problem that we see here for traces also exists for metrics.