I have one task to do. I will try to explain it as clearly as possible.
When you run the program, it asks to input (reading file and writing file).
Reading file has lines in range [1; 999]. Every line has six columns. Every column is separated by semicolon (;).
First and second columns contains text symbols in range [1; 20].
Third - fifth columns contains integers [-100; 100].
Last column contains floating number [-9.99; 9.99]. With two symbols after point.
A11;bas hello;0;0;5;1.15
B12; good day;-100;11;78;1.33
TASK: Output: Only first and second columns, that doesn't contain numbers and symbols 'B', 'C'.
firstA, because only this column doesn't have 'B', 'C' and numbers.
Up to now I have written program, that just throws away numbers and symbols. I can't figure out the solution for the full TASK.
My program
%include 'yasmmac.inc'
org 100h
section .text
macPutString 'Reading file name:', crlf, '$' ;Input for reading file
mov al, 128
mov dx, readingFile
call procGetStr
macPutString 'Writing file name: ', crlf, '$' ;Input for writing file
mov al, 128
mov dx, writingFile
call procGetStr
push readingFile
push writingFile
call function
;Main Function
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 4
push dx
push bx
push ax
mov dx, [bp+6]
call procFOpenForReading
jnc .secondFOpen
macPutString 'Error while opening file', crlf, '$'
jmp .end
mov [bp-2], bx
mov dx, [bp+4]
call procFCreateOrTruncate
jnc .filter
macPutString 'Error while opening writing file', crlf, '$'
jmp .close
mov [bp-4], bx
mov bx, [bp-2]
call procFGetChar
jnc .c1
macPutString 'Error while reading file', crlf, '$'
jmp .close
cmp ax, 0 ; Checks if it is not the end of the file
jne .check
jmp .close ; If the end - close the file
mov al, cl
cmp al, ';' ; Checks if ';'
jne .c2
cmp al, 30h ; Number checking
jge .c3
jmp .c4
cmp al, 39h ; Number checking
jle .checkEnd
jmp .c4
cmp al, 'B'
jne .c5
jmp .checkEnd
cmp al, 'C'
jne .writing
jmp .checkEnd
mov bx, [bp-4]
call procFPutChar
jnc .checkEnd
macPutString 'Error while writing file', crlf, '$'
jmp .close
cmp ax, 0
jne .nextIteration
jmp .close
jmp .whileNotTheEnd
mov bx, [bp-4]
call procFClose
mov bx, [bp-2]
call procFClose
%include 'yasmlib.asm'
section .data
times 255 db 00
times 255 db 00
times 255 db 00
section .bss
There's not much about "yasmmac.inc" to be found online, but I believe that my interpretation of what these procFGetChar and procFPutChar macros do will not be too far off...
The task will seem too complicated if you don't use a modular approach. You need to delegate the simpler subtasks to separate subroutines. Further it would make sense to abstract from where the data is coming from. Don't read a single character from the file and immediately have it classified. No, fetch a complete line from the file and process the requested fields from the memory copy. It will be so much easier and less prone to errors related to file access.
; Fetch one line from the file
call .fgets ; -> DI (AX BX CL)
test di, di
jz .close ; Normal EOF
; Process fields 1 and 2 from the memory copy
mov si, Buffer
call .field ; -> SI (AX BX)
call .field ; -> SI (AX BX)
jmp .whileNotTheEnd
mov bx, [bp-4]
call procFClose
mov bx, [bp-2]
call procFClose
The lines in the text file each end with a carriage return and linefeed pair (13,10). Finding the 10 therefore denotes the EOL.
Receiving AX=0 from DOS means the end of the file. If this happens when we have not yet characters in our buffer, it signals a normal EOF.
; ----------------------
; IN (bp) OUT (di) MOD (ax,bx,cl)
mov bx, [bp-2] ; Handle
xor di, di ; Counts characters
call procFGetChar ; -> AX CL CF
jc .err1
test ax, ax ; EOF ?
jz .eof
mov [Buffer + di], cl
inc di
cmp cl, 10
jne .more
test di, di ; If DI==0 then Normal EOF
jz .ret
macPutString 'Error while reading file', crlf, '$'
pop ax ; (*) Forget about `call fgets`
jmp .close
; ----------------------
The field subroutine does the magic of this program but even it will delegate to a further subroutine the classification of the character. This will enhance readability. As a rule of thumb, I try to keep each subroutine within the bounds of one screen (25 rows). Because this code will end with SI pointing after the current field, it will be real easy to continue with the 2nd field.
; ----------------------
; IN (si) OUT (si) MOD (ax,bx)
mov bx, si ; Remember the start of this field
cmp al, ";"
je .write
call .test ; -> CF
jnc .check
lodsb ; Skip remainder of this (bad) field
cmp al, ";"
jne .skip
push si ; (1)
mov si, bx ; Send this field to file
call .fputc ; -> (AX BX)
cmp al, ";"
jne .w1
pop si ; (1) SI points after the ";"
; ----------------------
; IN (al) OUT (CF)
cmp al, "0"
jb .OK
cmp al, "9"
jbe .NOK
cmp al, "B"
je .NOK
cmp al, "C"
je .NOK
; ----------------------
; IN (al,bp) OUT () MOD (ax,bx)
mov bx, [bp-4] ; Handle
call procFPutChar ; -> AX CF
jc .err2
test ax, ax
jz .err2
macPutString 'Error while writing file', crlf, '$'
pop ax ; (*) Forget about `call .fputc`
pop ax ; (*) Forget about `call .field`
jmp .close
; ----------------------
(*) The error exits in .fgets and .fputc need to balance the stack! They need "to forget" about the call
s that were made before the jmp
to .close can pass in all safety.