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Outlook Add-in is just showing blank

We have deployed an Outlook Add-in to Office 365 Admin centre, which have went well.

The issue is that when we're opening the app, it only shows a blank picture.

I'm trying to host a powerApp through Iframe, and I guess it's because we're hosting the MessageRead file and functionfile in a blob storage in Azure?

When our exchange admin deploys the code/manifest through VS and refrencing the files like this (~remoteAppUrl/Images/icon64.png) in the manifest it works.

When I try to sideload the addin myself, it also shows up like the attached image,

Best Regards



  • You can use runtime logging to debug your add-in's manifest as well as several installation errors. This feature can help you identify and fix issues with your manifest that are not detected by XSD schema validation, such as a mismatch between resource IDs. See Debug your add-in with runtime logging for more information.

    Also clearing the Office cache often fixes issues related to stale code. This guarantees the latest manifest is uploaded, using the current file names, menu text, and other command elements. To learn more, see Clear the Office cache.