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SQL statement with multiple keywords in string in LIKE statement

I am trying to pull data based on multiple keywords from the same column.

Currently I have a SQL statement that works like this.

FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%'
   OR CustomerName LIKE '_r%'
   OR CustomerName LIKE 'si%';

That works fine. What I am trying to achieve is to pass the keywords c("a", "_r", "si") as a vector. Like this:

keywords <- c("a", "_r", "si")

FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%' + keywords + '%';

That did not work. How do I submit a variable with a bunch of keywords into the like statement?


  • Use sprintf and paste/collapse= . Within a sprintf format %s is replaced with the next argument and %% means %.

    keywords <- c("a", "_r", "si")
    sql <- keywords |>
      sprintf(fmt = "CustomerName LIKE '%%%s%%'") |>
      paste(collapse = " OR \n") |>
      sprintf(fmt = "SELECT *
        FROM Customers
        WHERE %s")
    cat(sql, "\n")


    SELECT *
        FROM Customers
        WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%a%' OR 
    CustomerName LIKE '%_r%' OR 
    CustomerName LIKE '%si%'