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How to join collections on nosqlbooster so that I can run $avg query on it?

I have two collections in my database with field names in the documents that are the same. I need to join these collections and then sum the values of the common field names and finally find the average as my output.

This is an example of a document in the first collection

    "_id" : ObjectId("63074885ff3acbe0d63d7686"),
"year" : "2020",
"energy_products" : "Other Energy Products",
"sub_products" : "Other Energy Products",
"value_ktoe" : "70.4"

This is an example of a document in the second collection

    "_id" : ObjectId("63074882ff3acbe0d63c391a"),

"year" : "2020",

"energy_products" : "Petroleum Products",

"sub_products" : "Other Petroleum Products",

"value_ktoe" : "10633.7"

So I need to join the collections and sum up all the values in the energy_products and the sub_products part and then find the average.

The output needs to look something like this

    /* 1 */
        "_id" : {
            "energy_products" : "Petroleum Products"
        "avg" : 18312.05625

    /* 2 */
        "_id" : {
            "sub_products" : "Jet Fuel Kerosene"
        "avg" : 4253.884375


  • Perform a $unionWith to "merge" the 2 collections. Perform a simple $group to get the $avg you need.

        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "energy_products": "$energy_products"
          "avg": {
            "$avg": {
              "$toDouble": "$value_ktoe"
        "$unionWith": {
          "coll": "coll2",
          "pipeline": [
              "$group": {
                "_id": {
                  "sub_products": "$sub_products"
                "avg": {
                  "$avg": {
                    "$toDouble": "$value_ktoe"

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