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How to Bypass Empty Tables in Web-scrape in r

I am scraping multiple webpages with the goal of getting the data from each webpage into one encompassing dataframe.

Problem: The r-script works for the most part, but as I expand the amount of webpages through expand.grid I get the error prompt below. I believe the error occurs when the scrape runs into an empty table along the way.

Error: Can't combine ..1$tables$player_name and ..146$tables$player_name .

Going Forward: When I remove the empty tables the code works fine. Is there an efficient way to solve this issue?

#scrape select stats from tournaments
df <- expand.grid(
  tournament_id = c("t060", "t475", "t045", "t021"),
  stat_id = c("02564", "101", "102", "336", "340"),
  year_id = c("2004", "2005", "2006")
) %>% 
    links = paste0(
  ) %>% 

# Function to get the data combined into a table
get_info <- function(link, tournament_id) {
  data <- link %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_table() %>%
    .[[2]] %>%
    clean_names() %>% 
    select(-rank_last_week) %>% 
    mutate(rank_this_week = as.integer(str_extract(rank_this_week, "\\d+")))
  try(data <- mutate(data, avg = as.character(avg)), silent = TRUE)
  try(data <- mutate(data, gir_rank = as.character(gir_rank)), silent = TRUE)
  try(data <- mutate(data, total_distance_feet = as.character(total_distance_feet)), silent = TRUE)

test101 <- df %>%
  mutate(tables = map2(links, tournament_id, get_info)) %>%


  • This can be solved with purrr::possibly() Minor adjustment to your code, player_name is always converted to character.

    get_info <- function(link, tournament_id) {
      data <- link %>%
        read_html() %>%
        html_table() %>%
        .[[2]] %>%
        janitor::clean_names() %>% 
        select(-rank_last_week) %>% 
        mutate(rank_this_week = as.integer(str_extract(rank_this_week, "\\d+")), 
               player_name = as.character(player_name))
      try(data <- mutate(data, avg = as.character(avg)), silent = TRUE)
      try(data <- mutate(data, gir_rank = as.character(gir_rank)), silent = TRUE)
      try(data <- mutate(data, total_distance_feet = as.character(total_distance_feet)), silent = TRUE)

    Wrap get_info with possibly to return empty tibble if no table is available.

    test101 <- df %>%
      mutate(tables = map2(links, tournament_id, possibly(get_info, otherwise = tibble())))
    # A tibble: 60 x 5
       tournament_id stat_id year_id links                                                        tables           
       <fct>         <fct>   <fct>   <chr>                                                        <list>           
     1 t060          02564   2004 <tibble [29 x 6]>
     2 t475          02564   2004 <tibble [72 x 6]>
     3 t045          02564   2004 <tibble [86 x 6]>
     4 t021          02564   2004 <tibble [0 x 2]> 
     5 t060          101     2004   <tibble [29 x 6]>
     6 t475          101     2004   <tibble [72 x 6]>
     7 t045          101     2004   <tibble [86 x 6]>
     8 t021          101     2004   <tibble [0 x 2]> 
     9 t060          102     2004   <tibble [29 x 6]>
    10 t475          102     2004   <tibble [72 x 6]>
    11 t045          102     2004   <tibble [86 x 6]>
    12 t021          102     2004   <tibble [0 x 2]> 
    13 t060          336     2004   <tibble [29 x 7]>
    14 t475          336     2004   <tibble [72 x 7]>
    15 t045          336     2004   <tibble [86 x 7]>
    # ... with 45 more rows
    # i Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

    The column can then be unnest()

    test101 %>% 
    # A tibble: 3,399 x 19
       tournament_id stat_id year_id links  rank_~1 playe~2 rounds average total~3 measu~4 avg   total~5 total~6 percent fairw~7 possi~8 total~9 numbe~*
       <fct>         <fct>   <fct>   <chr>    <int> <chr>    <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <int> <chr> <chr>     <int>   <dbl>   <int>   <int> <chr>     <int>
     1 t060          02564   2004    https~       1 Stephe~      4   1.77     7.09       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     2 t060          02564   2004    https~       2 Mike W~      4   1.56     6.22       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     3 t060          02564   2004    https~       3 Tiger ~      4   1.20     4.79       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     4 t060          02564   2004    https~       4 John D~      4   0.93     3.72       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     5 t060          02564   2004    https~       5 Mark H~      4   0.918    3.67       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     6 t060          02564   2004    https~       6 Zach J~      4   0.893    3.57       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     7 t060          02564   2004    https~       7 Scott ~      4   0.695    2.78       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     8 t060          02564   2004    https~       8 Jerry ~      4   0.661    2.64       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
     9 t060          02564   2004    https~       9 Stuart~      4   0.624    2.50       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
    10 t060          02564   2004    https~      10 Retief~      4   0.612    2.45       4 NA    NA           NA      NA      NA      NA NA           NA
    # ... with 3,389 more rows, 1 more variable: relative_to_par <chr>, and abbreviated variable names 1: rank_this_week, 2: player_name,
    #   3: total_sg_putting, 4: measured_rounds, 5: total_distance, 6: total_drives, 7: fairways_hit, 8: possible_fairways, 9: total_distance_feet,
    #   *: number_of_attempts
    # i Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows, and `colnames()` to see all variable names