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How do I get turtles to transfer resources between one another?

My model has 4 breeds:

breed [ offices office ]
breed [ service-desks service-desk ]
breed [ employees employee ]
breed [ citizens citizen ]

offices-own [ money ]
employees-own [ money-held ]
citizens-own [ money-received ]

In my setup procedure I ask the offices and service-desks breeds so that I can use a unique shape:

  create-offices 1
  ask offices  [
    set shape "building institution"
    set size 4
    set color yellow
    set money num-of-money ]

 ask patch 0 8 [
    sprout 1 [
      set breed service-desks
      set shape "building institution"
      set color pink
      set size 3 ]

offices has an attribute money.

What I am trying to accomplish is that an employee will go to the office and collect money. Then will travel to a service-desk where they will meet with a citizen breed to handover they money they hold.

What I've tried is:

to employee-give-money
  ask employees [
    if any? citizens in-radius 1 [
      set money-held money-held - 1
  ask citizens [
    set money-received money-received + 1
    set color orange 


  • Basic transaction of resources is pretty simple to code with addition and subtraction. Below I have a sample code for how it works. You might want to build in some safeties in take-money so that a turtle can't have negative money.

    turtles-own [money]
    to setup
      crt 5 [
        setxy random-xcor random-ycor
        set money random 1000
    to test
      ask turtle 0 [take-money turtle 1 500]
    to take-money [ from-who amount ]
      ask from-who [ set money money - amount ]
      set money money + amount

    This snippet of code is to visualise the money all turtles have in order of their who. I used it in a monitor on the interface to make sure everything was happening as intended.

    to-report turtle-assets
      let new-list []
      foreach sort turtles [the-turtle -> ask the-turtle [set new-list lput money new-list]]
      report new-list

    Now that the basics are out of the way, let's look at your case. if turtle shape = ... doesn't work because there is no such thing as turtle shape. The variable is just shape. But anyway, you are already working with breeds, so there is no need to bother with shapes at all. You can use the <breeds>-here reporter to let agents interact with other local agents. In your case the employees want to interact with the offices-here.

    to collect-paycheck
        ask employees [
            if any? offices-here [
                take-money one-of offices-here 500 ;or however much you want them to take

    This code will let each employee take 500 money from a random office on their own patch (I assume only 1 office per patch though) each time it is called.