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How to call a component class function in my App.tsx?

I am new in React Native and i'm trying to develop a mobile app with Expo.

I am trying to call a function of a component class in my App.tsx. I don't want that function is static because i need to access to my variable of my state which is in my constructor of my class.


const App = () => {

  const [variable, setVariable] = useState('');

  useEffect(() => {
      //doing some stuff 
  }, [])


class Class1 extends Component<any, any> {
  constructor(props: any){

    this.state = {
      company_name: [],

  method(param: any) {
    Object.values(param).map(function(d: any, idx){
      this.state.company_name = [...this.state.company_name, d];


So the thing is that i am having an array in my App.tsx and i want to pass it to my Class1.

Is that possible to do in that way or am i missing something ?

Thanks in advance


  • Put your array in props

    const App = () => {
      const [names, setNames] = useState([]);
      const addCompanyName = (name) => {
        setNames([...names, name]);
      const addRandomCompany = () => {
      return <>
        <Button title='random name' onPress={addRandomCompany}/>
        <Child companyNames={names}/>
    const Child = ({ companyNames }) => {
      return <>
        { => <Text>{name}</Text>)}