I have a definition:
Inductive type :=
| Bool: type
| Int: type
| Option: type -> type
Then wanna define a proof about property P like this:
Proof type_match_P:
forall ty ty1,
(ty = Int \/ ty = Option ty1) -> P ty.
However ty1 does not seem to matter, could I just write something like (Option _)
to match it in a proof?
Thank you very much!
Here are three different ways to represent your assumption, and examples of how to use them:
Inductive type :=
| Bool: type
| Int: type
| Option: type -> type.
Variable P : type -> Prop.
Definition hyp1 (t : type) : Prop :=
match t with
| Int | Option _ => True
| Bool => False
Inductive hyp2 : type -> Prop :=
| hypI : hyp2 Int
| hypO (t : type) : hyp2 (Option t).
Definition hyp3 (t : type) : Prop := t = Int \/ (exists t', t = Option t').
Lemma type_match_P1:
forall ty, hyp1 ty -> P ty.
intros ty Hty.
destruct ty, Hty.
Lemma type_match_P2:
forall ty, hyp2 ty -> P ty.
intros ty Hty.
inversion_clear Hty.
inversion Hty ; subst ; clear Hty.
Lemma type_match_P3:
forall ty, hyp3 ty -> P ty.
intros ty [-> | [? ->]].
intros ty Hty.
destruct Hty as [e | [ty' e]].
all: subst.
The first version computes based on t
either the True
or False
proposition. To use this version, you have to destruct t
and then get rid of the either absurd or trivial hypothesis.
The second version represents your assumption as an inductive predicate. To use it, use the inversion
tactics and/or its variants such as inversion_clear
The third is the most similar to yours, except that it uses an existential type rather than a universal quantification. Here you can directly destruct the assumption using intro-patterns, or first introduce it and destruct it later on.
These are just presentation choices: in the end, they all are equivalent. So use the one that fits your needs the most.