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Will spring.servlet.multipart.* properties apply to Jersey multipart?

I've got a spring boot application which uses Jersey. I've got the following properties in

# Enable multipart.

# Write files larger than 1MB to disk (instead of memory).

# Set location for multipart file uploads.

# Max file size.

# Max request size.

# Set max header size

I have enabled Jersey multipart with register(MultiPartFeature.class);.

It seems to me that Jersey is not picking up / not configured with the multipart values set via spring.servlet.multipart.*. When I upload a large file to the application, it creates a corresponding /tmp/MIME* file, and not into /tmp/tomcat as specified in

It appears that Jersey by default expects a file in WEB-INF/classes where it can pick up properties.

I'd really like Jersey to pick up on the properties given in Is that possible, or will I have to accept that I need to manage multipart properties in a separate configuration file?


  • The spring.servlet.multipart applies to the MultipartResolver support in Spring MVC. It will be registered with an MultipartConfigElement which in turn will be added to any servlet available in the context (see the javadoc).

    It won't apply to the jersey configuration as that is seperated and probably applies to a filter (in the end). You might be able to reuse the configuration properties or even obtain the pre-configured MultipartConfigElement to obtain the configuration.

    Nonetheless you will need to manually put in the configuration.