I have a pipeline A that is invoke by a main pipeline D. It invokes 2 other pipelines B and C. When pipeline A is invoked an extraction query is executed that can return rows or nothing.
In case it returns no rows I would like it to terminate without sending an error message. It should also terminate the main pipeline D. In other words pipelines B and C shouldn’t be invoked. How can I invoke such a terminal activity in Azure Synapse? I would like to avoid using a Fail activity as it would be a false negative.
Since your child pipeline has the look up output count, and there is direct way to pass the count to master pipeline, you can consider changing the pipeline configuration.
Instead of using lookup to get the count, you can directly use a copy data activity and write the count of records to a new table.
You can get this data (new table data) using look up in master pipeline and perform the check (whether count is 0 or not).
Look at the following demonstration. I have a table with no records in my azure SQL database. In Pipeline A, I have used the following query as source of copy data activity and auto created a table in sink.
-- in source. Querying the required table for count
select count(*) as count from demo
table. The output will be as follows:@equals(activity('Lookup1').output.value[0].count,0)