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FailedPrecondition: 400 Matching Engine is not supported in region europe-west4

I am trying out matching engine on gcp and want to create an index. I see that the region I chose is not supported and I know that us-central1 is a supported region.

However, due to legal reasons and policy, I cannot store data in the US. Is there a list of supported regions for Matching Engine (I could not find it). Alternatively, what EU region is supported for matching engine?


  • Maybe the regions where it is available are hiding from us but we can use the Pricing Doc to get this info.

    For instance the only available regions in EU are europe_west1 and europe_west9.

    In America the available regions are:

    • us_central1
    • us_east1
    • us_east4
    • us_west1
    • us_west4
    • us_south1
    • southamerica_east1

    And finally in Asia:

    • asia_south1
    • asia_southeast1
    • asia_northeast3
    • australia_southeast1