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How to I get a range of times from a start time and end times with an hour difference using PHP?

$course_hour = 1; $starttime = '07:00'; $endtime = '16:00';

I wish if it could return an array of values like below: If

$course_hour = 1;

$return_array = array('07:00 - 08:00', '08:00 - 09:00', '09:00 - 10:00', '10:00 - 11:00', '11:00 - 12:00', '12:00 - 13:00', '13:00 - 14:00', '14:00 - 15:00', '15:00 - 16:00'); If

$course_hour = 1.5;

$return_array = array('07:00 - 08:30', '8:30 - 10:00', '10:00 - 11:30', '11:30 - 13:00', '13:00 - 14:30', '14:30 - 16:00'); If

$course_hour = 2;

$return_array = array('07:00 - 09:00', '09:00 - 11:00', '11:00 - 13:00', '13:00 - 15:00');

function get_session_times($course_hour, $start_time, $end_time){
    if(strlen($start_time) < 5) $start_time = '0'.$start_time;
    if(strlen($end_time) < 5) $end_time = '0'.$end_time;
    $current_time = date("Y-m-d H:i");
    $session_starttime = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime(date("Y-m-d ").$start_time));
    $session_endtime = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime(date("Y-m-d ").$end_time));
    $session_starttime_ms = strtotime($session_starttime);
    $session_endtime_ms = strtotime($session_endtime);
    $session_times_array = array();
    for ($i = $session_starttime_ms; $i < $session_endtime_ms; ) { 
         $session_times_array[] = date("H:i", $i)."<br/>"; 
         $i = $i + ($course_hour * 60 * 60);
    return $session_times_array;


  • /**
     * Get session times from start to end.
     * @link Convert decimal to hour and minute.
     * @link Original source code for get session times.
     * @param int|float|double|decimal $course_hour Course hour.
     * @param string $start_time Start time. Format is Hour:minute HH:MM.
     * @param string $end_time End time.
     * @return array Return times in array.
    function getSessionTimes($course_hour, $start_time, $end_time): array
        if (!is_numeric($course_hour)) {
            return [];
        if (empty($start_time) || empty($end_time)) {
            return [];
        $courseHour = (int) $course_hour;
        $courseMinute = (fmod($course_hour, 1) * 60);
        $beginDate = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $start_time);
        $endDate = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $end_time);
        $result = [];
        while ($beginDate < $endDate) {
            $output = $beginDate->format('H:i') . ' - ';
            $beginDate->modify('+' . $courseHour . 'hour ' . $courseMinute . 'minute');
            if ($beginDate > $endDate) {
            $output .= $beginDate->format('H:i');
            $result[] = $output;
        unset($beginDate, $endDate);
        return $result;

    You have to convert from decimal (for example 1, 1.5) to be hour and minute based on code from this answer.

    And then I use code from this answer mentioned by mickmackusa to get times array.

    Here is testing.

     * This function is for test the result only. It is no need in your real project.
    function testResult($result, $expect)
        if (!is_array($result) || !is_array($expect)) {
            throw new Exception('The result and expect must be array.');
        $totalResult = count($result);
        $totalExpect = count($expect);
        $totalTested = ($totalResult === $totalExpect);
        unset($totalResult, $totalExpect);
        foreach ($result as $index => $eachResult) {
            if (isset($expect[$index]) && $expect[$index] === $eachResult) {
                // matched.
            } else {
                throw new Exception('The result and expect at index ' . $index . ' does not matched. (' . $eachResult . ')');
        return $totalTested;
    // run tests
    $result = getSessionTimes(1, '07:00', '16:00');
    $expect = ['07:00 - 08:00', '08:00 - 09:00', '09:00 - 10:00', '10:00 - 11:00', '11:00 - 12:00', '12:00 - 13:00', '13:00 - 14:00', '14:00 - 15:00', '15:00 - 16:00'];
    var_dump(testResult($result, $expect));
    $result = getSessionTimes(1.5, '07:00', '16:00');
    $expect = ['07:00 - 08:30', '08:30 - 10:00', '10:00 - 11:30', '11:30 - 13:00', '13:00 - 14:30', '14:30 - 16:00'];
    var_dump(testResult($result, $expect));
    $result = getSessionTimes(2, '07:00', '16:00');
    $expect = ['07:00 - 09:00', '09:00 - 11:00', '11:00 - 13:00', '13:00 - 15:00'];
    var_dump(testResult($result, $expect));

    The result will be...

    Array ( [0] => 07:00 - 08:00 [1] => 08:00 - 09:00 [2] => 09:00 - 10:00 [3] => 10:00 - 11:00 [4] => 11:00 - 12:00 [5] => 12:00 - 13:00 [6] => 13:00 - 14:00 [7] => 14:00 - 15:00 [8] => 15:00 - 16:00 )
    boolean true

    Array ( [0] => 07:00 - 08:30 [1] => 08:30 - 10:00 [2] => 10:00 - 11:30 [3] => 11:30 - 13:00 [4] => 13:00 - 14:30 [5] => 14:30 - 16:00 )
    boolean true

    Array ( [0] => 07:00 - 09:00 [1] => 09:00 - 11:00 [2] => 11:00 - 13:00 [3] => 13:00 - 15:00 )
    boolean true