I am updating seneca-amqp-transport npm package from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
I am getting below error while starting the seneca.js microservice.
{"message":"Channel closed","stackAtStateChange":"Stack capture: Channel closed by server: 406 (PRECONDITION-FAILED) with message "PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'x-message-ttl'for queue 'seneca.add.role:worker.cmd:any' in vhost '/': received the value '60000' of type 'signedint' but current is the value '360000' of type 'signedint'"\n at Channel.C.accept...
What i understood with this message is x-message-ttl value is different what we are setting in the code and in the rabbitmq queue. I checked the rabbitmq queue and there x-message-ttl time is 360000. Also checked in code there also x-message-ttl is 360000.
queues: {
prefix: "seneca.add",
separator: ".",
options: {
durable: true,
arguments: {
"x-dead-letter-exchange": "seneca.dlx",
"x-message-ttl": 360000
I checked change log but not getting what got changed due to which i am getting this error.
I have found the solution. In seneca-amqp-protocol version 2.2.0 they updated the con figuration option. Update configuration options to
Old Config
{amqp: {
listen: {
channel: {
prefetch: 1
queues: {
prefix: "seneca.add",
separator: ".",
options: {
durable: true,
arguments: {
"x-dead-letter-exchange": "seneca.dlx",
"x-message-ttl": 360000
New Config
{amqp: {
listener: {
channel: {
prefetch: 1
queues: {
prefix: "seneca.add",
separator: ".",
options: {
durable: true,
arguments: {
"x-dead-letter-exchange": "seneca.dlx",
"x-message-ttl": 360000