So I'm still in the process of learning android dev and I'm currently working on an app which is supposed to show students their grades. Right now I am stuck at getting login to a service from which grades are collected. For that process I am using api (documentation is in Croatian). This is what curl request for logging in looks like:
curl --location --request GET '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{ "username":"", "password":"ivanovPassword123"}'
Here are screenshots of what I have tried until now
Here is how I build retrofit
object ApiModule {
private const val BASE_URL = ""
lateinit var retrofit: EdnevnikApiService
private val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
fun initRetrofit() {
val okhttp = OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(HttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BASE_URL)
The login method
interface EdnevnikApiService {
@HTTP(method = "get", path = "/api/login", hasBody = true)
fun login(@Body request: LoginRequest): Call<LoginResponse>
This is what happens when the login button is clicked
fun onLoginButtonClicked(email: String, password: String) {
val request = LoginRequest(email, password)
ApiModule.retrofit.login(request).enqueue(object : Callback<LoginResponse> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<LoginResponse>, response: Response<LoginResponse>) {
loginResultLiveData.value = response.isSuccessful
val body = response.body()
override fun onFailure(call: Call<LoginResponse>, t: Throwable) {
loginResultLiveData.value = false
and this is what kotlin request and kotlin response data classes look like
data class LoginRequest(
@SerialName("username") val username: String,
@SerialName("password") val password: String,
data class LoginResponse(
@SerialName("LoginSuccessful") val isSuccessful: Boolean,
Oh and this is what I get from the interceptor when I send the request
My guess is server is responding with 400 Bad Request
due to unsupported method type. When I replaced method = "get"
with method = "GET"
in your sample code, I received:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: method GET must not have a request body.
which makes sense. Luckily, the /login
API you shared works with POST
method type, so you can try using:
@HTTP(method = "POST", path = "/api/login", hasBody = true,)
I checked at my end and I received the following response:
<-- 200 (1390ms)
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
set-cookie: epicCookie=f69fbd6d4f10b5cc38e038b5da0843b356776c58c4fb32aed24dbcc49026778724bc25e21448c05a29df9f4b5558b254011fb3f8a992710f9901f23c53be5eaadaa799f3f5ac9e18de191bed02ef3e96030b83042ee8392755b03dd785edca6a;
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
etag: "bkrbkvg0eo6c"
vary: Accept-Encoding
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 03:07:08 GMT
server: Fly/b1863e2e7 (2022-11-09)
via: 2
fly-request-id: 01GHFR2T56X9K0GFN3DH1Z9JYV-sin
<-- END HTTP (228-byte body)