in my app I have created a BottomBar with a scaffold using Jetpack Compose. On newer devices (e.g. Google Pixel 6) there is a black bar at the bottom of the App Switcher. How can I remove this? I want it to be the same color as the BottomBar.
You can use the following piece of code in your theme.kt or any other composable function if you would like the change the colour depending on it:
val window = (LocalView.current.context as? Activity)?.window
?: throw Exception("Not in an activity - unable to gte Window reference")
val myColor = Color(0xFFXXXXXX)
SideEffect {
window.statusBarColor = myColor.toArgb()
window.navigationBarColor = myColor.toArgb()
There should already be a similar piece of code in your theme.kt file if you have created your project as a Material3 template.