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How to remove black bar at bottom in Jetpack Compose

in my app I have created a BottomBar with a scaffold using Jetpack Compose. On newer devices (e.g. Google Pixel 6) there is a black bar at the bottom of the App Switcher. How can I remove this? I want it to be the same color as the BottomBar.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • You can use the following piece of code in your theme.kt or any other composable function if you would like the change the colour depending on it:

    val window = (LocalView.current.context as? Activity)?.window
        ?: throw Exception("Not in an activity - unable to gte Window reference")
    val myColor = Color(0xFFXXXXXX)
    SideEffect {
        window.statusBarColor = myColor.toArgb()
        window.navigationBarColor = myColor.toArgb()

    There should already be a similar piece of code in your theme.kt file if you have created your project as a Material3 template.