Search code examples

How to query the next post with GROQ sanity

I want to fetch the data for the next post in order they were created at - currently nextPost returns null

`*[_type == "project" && _createdAt > ^._createdAt] | order(_createdAt asc)[0]{
    'slug': slug.current,

Full Fetch Function

export async function getPostAndMorePosts(slug, preview) {
const curClient = getClient(preview)
const [post, nextPost] = await Promise.all([
        `*[_type == "project" && slug.current == $slug] | order(_createdAt desc) {
           'slug': slug.current,
        { slug }
      .then((res) => res?.[0]),
      `*[_type == "project" && _createdAt > ^._createdAt] | order(_createdAt asc)[0]{
         'slug': slug.current,
      { slug }

  return { post, nextPost }


  • You can try with the following query:

    const query = `*[_type == "project" && slug.current == $slug][0] {
      "currentProject": {
        // Fields
      "nextProject": *[_type == "project" && ^._createdAt < _createdAt] | order(_createdAt asc)[0] {
       // Fields
    const { currentProject, nextProject } = await curClient.fetch(query, { slug })