When I use the ReadProcessMemory function from the windows-rs package it returns 0. This is wrong, so I used the GetLastError() function and it returned "Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed."
Here is the code for ReadProcessMemory:
let mut healthValue: i32 = 0;
0xE6A848 as *mut c_void,
healthValue as *mut c_void,
std::mem::size_of::<i32> as usize,
&mut 0
println!("{}", healthValue);
match GetLastError().ok() {
Ok(_) => println!("no eror"),
Err(t) => println!("error: {}", t),
The code to get handle to the process:
let hProcess: HANDLE;
match OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, procId as u32) {
Ok(T) => hProcess = T,
Err(A) => {
println!("hproc is INVALID");
I have checked and the ProcId is right, I have used cheat engine to get the memory address, both apps are run in 32-bit, and my trainer is being run as admin. None of these have helped.
Fixed it by changing healthValue as *mut c_void
to ptr::addr_of_mut!(healthValue) as *mut c_void