I made a simple SpringBoot REST application for testing purposes where the tables are in 2 databases, one is Mysql and one is Postgresql. To configure the 2 connections I used the instructions from here, at point 6 - "Multiple Databases in Spring Boot" and all seemed to be fine, the 2 connections were initiated but only the primary connection works.
So if the Mysql connection is annotated as @Primay only Mysql REST services work, on Postgresql the error for all tables is "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: <Entity_Name> is not mapped". But if I make a single change and set @Primary on the Postgresql connection then all Postgres tables are working and all Mysql tables give the same error(table not mapped).
So somehow I think the right connection is not autoselected based on the package.
UPDATE: I found another tutorial here using different database types, I followed the instructions but the result is the same, all tables in the secondary database give the error "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: <Entity_Name> is not mapped". I think the secondary connection is not used, somehow the primary one defaults on the wrong tables but I don't know why.
I uploaded this small Github project with my work. https://github.com/victorqedu/MultipleSpringBootDS
UPDATE: In the DAO class a have autowired the constructor and @Autowire is setting the wrong EntityManager(I think this is the source of the problem), could I manually specify the right EntityManager?
public AntibiogramaAntibioticeDAOHibernateImpl(EntityManager theEntityManager) {
entityManager = theEntityManager;
I also tried the annotation @PersistenceContext on the EntityManager but the result is the same.
private EntityManager entityManager;
I'm not sure the problem is EntityManagaer or the Session that I obtain from EntityManager.unwrap, seems to be little documentation about this...
This can be solved with Qualifier in a short description if you have multiple same type of beans(like EntityManager) you should use qualifier to wire them.
Therefore in your code you should
public AntibiogramaAntibioticeDAOHibernateImpl(
@Qualifier("primaryEntityManagerFactory") EntityManager theEntityManager)