Search code examples

Able to find path using DFS but not able specify the right directions to Pacman _ Python

I am working on an assignment found on an AI course page at berkley website for fun. I need to write a depth-first search for the pacman game so that it can find its path.The problem is the pacman gets stuck. I'll paste the code first to make what I am saying more clear :

import util

class SearchProblem:
  This class outlines the structure of a search problem, but doesn't implement
  any of the methods (in object-oriented terminology: an abstract class).

  You do not need to change anything in this class, ever.

  def getStartState(self):
     Returns the start state for the search problem 

  def isGoalState(self, state):
       state: Search state

     Returns True if and only if the state is a valid goal state

  def getSuccessors(self, state):
       state: Search state

     For a given state, this should return a list of triples, 
     (successor, action, stepCost), where 'successor' is a 
     successor to the current state, 'action' is the action
     required to get there, and 'stepCost' is the incremental 
     cost of expanding to that successor

  def getCostOfActions(self, actions):
          actions: A list of actions to take

     This method returns the total cost of a particular sequence of actions.  The sequence must
     be composed of legal moves

def tinyMazeSearch(problem):
      Returns a sequence of moves that solves tinyMaze.  For any other
  maze, the sequence of moves will be incorrect, so only use this for tinyMaze
  from game import Directions
  s = Directions.SOUTH
  w = Directions.WEST
  return  [s,s,w,s,w,w,s,w]

def depthFirstSearch(problem):

  Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first [p 74].

  Your search algorithm needs to return a list of actions that reaches
  the goal.  Make sure to implement a graph search algorithm [Fig. 3.18].

  To get started, you might want to try some of these simple commands to
  understand the search problem that is being passed in:

  print 'Start:', problem.getStartState()
  print 'Is the start a goal?', problem.isGoalState(problem.getStartState())
  print 'Start's successors:', problem.getSuccessors(problem.getStartState())


  # *** YOUR CODE HERE ***

  start = [problem.getStartState()]
  for item in start:

  if problem.isGoalState(Open[0]) is True:
      return State
       while Open:
                visit= Open.pop()
                if State: 

                if problem.isGoalState(visit) is True:
                    print Closed
                    return Path
                    Successors= problem.getSuccessors(visit)
                    for index in Successors:

                            if data not in Closed :
                              print Path

Now if you will read my code under dfs you will see that open list contains all the points I visit and expanded.

The Path file contains the direction set for the pacman. The problem arises when I face the condition that both successors I get are unvisited, my pacman takes a path which leads to a dead end so it needs to backtrace. My Open does it and finds the solution but I am not able to find a way on how to provide the directions of backtracing in my path list. If you will go to and download the zip and paste my code in under dfs search you will understand my problem.


  • Some hints:

    • Each node you check should encapsulate the data of how you got there.
    • DFS is like a stack; you start by pushing the start state. You pop the stack, and push back the nodes that can follow from the node you popped.
    • Since you are ultimately trying to find a path, the node data must hold your location and the path you took to get there.