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How to pass varargs in Spring shell with kotlin

I am trying to write a spring shell app and pass some var args. Basicaly I want to pass

fetch FA-207542 FA-207984 FA-211258 FA-202298 Documentation here is still TBD

    @ShellMethod(value = "fetches all pic related data for processing")
    fun fetch(vararg tickets: String) {
        println("number of tickets is ${tickets.size}")


shell:>fetch FA-207542 FA-207984 FA-211258  FA-202298
number of tickets is 1

I've tried using a StringArray and I get an error:

    fun fetch(tickets: StringArray) {
        println("number of tickets is ${tickets.size()}")


shell:>fetch FA-207542 FA-207984 FA-211258 FA-202298
Parameter specified as non-null is null: method FetchCommand.fetch, parameter tickets
Details of the error have been omitted. You can use the stacktrace command to print the full stacktrace.


  • With (sry), I got this working:

    public class MyCommands {
      public String fetch(String... tickets) {
        return String.format("Number of tickets is %d.", tickets.length);


    shell:>fetch --tickets FA-207542 FA-207984 FA-211258 FA-202298
    Number of tickets is 4.

    Same results achieved with: @ShellCommand(arity = -1) resp. arity = Integer.MAX_VALUE.#