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NEF file format is not recognize in the image/* accept file

I am dealing with exotic imagery file format (RAW of various kind).

so, i have my

<input type="file" accept="image/*">

which work for mostly all format, but for some reason, NEF is not "accepted".

so I have to manually add it after image/*, which looks wrong.

<input ... accept="image/*, .nef"/>

this is not supported on firefox-linux , nor on opera or chrome-MAC. so i expect it's neither browser or OS dependant

I have read various documentation on the subject, i am not photographer myself, but considering it work with others format.

do you know why the nef format is not supported ?
more important : do you know if others format than NEF is not supported ?


  • The input element considers the image/* to handle image types. Webkit delegates the filter to the OS. For iOS, for instance, image/* instructs the dialog to select files belonging to the UTTypeImage type.

            if ([mimeType caseInsensitiveCompare:@"image/*"] == NSOrderedSame)
                [mediaTypes addObject:UTTypeImage.identifier];

    This type is equivalent to the public.image identifier you can see on System-Declared Uniform Type Identifiers.

    NEF files belong to the UTI which belongs to which belongs to public.image.

    The problem seems to come from the fact that this is transmitted to UIDocumentPickerViewController@initWithDocumentTypes() which only takes considers UTI declared with UTExportedTypeDeclarations.

    You can view which type are Imported or Exported using the command

    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -dump

    Here's the result for NEF

            description:   Nikon raw image
            flags:         imported  active  core  apple-internal  
            conforms to:
            tags:          .nef

    This leaves us with the following list of images accepted by default when using image/* :

    • public.radiance : .pic, .hdr
    • public.jpeg : .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, 'JPEG', image/jpeg
    • public.jpeg-2000 : .jp2, .jpf, .jpx, .j2k, 'jp2 ', image/jp2
    • .pict, .pct, .pic, 'PICT', image/pict, image/x-pict, image/x-macpict, "Apple PICT pasteboard type", "NSPICTPboardType"
    • .pntg, 'PNTG'
    • public.png: .png, 'PNGf', image/png, "Apple PNG pasteboard type"
    • public.svg-image: .svg, .svgz, 'svg ', 'svgz', image/svg+xml
    • .qtif, .qif, .qti, 'qtif', image/x-quicktime
    • .icns, 'icns'
    • public.xbitmap-image: .xbm, image/x-xbitmap