I wrote an app that uploads a zipped file of our data to a folder that is specific to the company uploading the data. This program is working without issue.
I then wrote another app that pulls that data down to the customer's site as an onsite backup. This was working well until the file count reached approx 700 zip files. I am requesting a list of zip files in a specific directory, parsing out the name which includes the date/tim created, and getting the oldest file. When I their api, it's not returning the complete list, which doesn't include the latest zip file.
My code:
private static string GetFileFromDropbox()
var client = CreateDropBoxInstance();
var pathtofiles = $"/{Settings.Default.CompanyCode}";
//var list = await client.Files.ListFolderGetLatestCursorAsync(pathtofiles);
// changed 11/9/22 by Eric since it was not returning all files
//var list = client.Files.ListFolderAsync(pathtofiles);
var list = client.Files.ListFolderAsync(pathtofiles, true, true, false);
var newlist = new List<string>();
foreach (var l in list.Result.Entries)
if (!l.IsFile) continue;
newlist.Add(l.PathLower.Replace($"/{Settings.Default.CompanyCode.ToLower()}/", string.Empty));
var dict = new Dictionary<DateTime, string>();
foreach (var fn in newlist)
// filename: AAB.20211126234249.zip
var parse = fn.Split('.');
if (parse.Length != 3) continue;
var date = parse[1];
// cc yy mm dd hh mm ss
// 20 21 11 26 23 42 49
// 01 23 45 67 89 1011 1213
if (date.Length != 14) continue;
var cc = int.Parse(date.Substring(0, 2));
var yy = int.Parse(date.Substring(2, 2));
var mm = int.Parse(date.Substring(4, 2));
var dd = int.Parse(date.Substring(6, 2));
var hh = int.Parse(date.Substring(8, 2));
var mi = int.Parse(date.Substring(10, 2));
var ss = int.Parse(date.Substring(12, 2));
var filedate = new DateTime(cc + yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss);
dict.Add(filedate, fn);
var qry = (from x in dict
orderby x.Key descending
select x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
return qry;
catch (Exception e)
My issue is that I'm not getting a complete list of the files in the specified directory so I end up with the wrong file. This makes my program pretty much useless since it's not getting the right file.
How do I go about getting the complete list of files in the directory instead of a partial list?
The ListFolder
interface is paginated, and you are not guaranteed to get everything returned in a single call to ListFolderAsync
. You'll need to implement ListFolderContinueAsync
as well.
Refer to the ListFolderAsync
and ListFolderContinueAsync
documentation for more information