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Moose Attribute Builder Calling own Class function

I am implementing a class in Perl Moose on a bigger project. The issue that I am having is the following:

Lets assume that I have a class method called GetValue() returning an HashRef and an attribute called Value, which is an HashRef.

This is what I am trying to do:

sub GetValue
 #do something
 return \%something;

has Value => (
    isa => 'HashRef',
    reader => "Value",
    builder => '_Value_builder',

sub _Value_builder
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->GetValue();

This does not seem to work, Since I am on really big project the error coming out is just a very long stack trace that to my opinion does not hold too much information.

In the real case the function GetValue is a TCP call too a server, socket is part of the class attributes. For what I understand the issue seems to be that the call to GetValue takes place before the builder created the socket, but I am not sure.

Can this syntax work at all? In case the TCP communication is the issue, is there a workaround?


  • As discussed in the comments already the issue is solved declaring the attribute as lazy:

    sub GetValue
     #do something
     return \%something;
    has Value => (
        isa => 'HashRef',
        reader => "Value",
        lazy => 1,
        builder => '_Value_builder',
    sub _Value_builder
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->GetValue();