How can I send a text directly to a specific phone number on Viber? or to a specific person on Facebook messenger?
with whatsapp I'm using url_launcher with whatsapp with below code, and it is working fine.
var whatsapp_url = "whatsapp://send?phone=" + whatsapp_number + "&text=hellooo";
try {
await launchUrl(Uri.parse(whatsapp_url));
} catch (e) {
print('could not launch whatsapp');
I tried using the same package with Viber using ("viber://chat?number=") and Facebook messenger using ('') but both are just opening a web site and not opening the mobile App and not finding the phone number or the messenger chat.
I need to do a similar thing by clicking an IconButton to open a specific chat on Viber and another IconButton to open a specific Facebook messenger chat.
I found a solution in case someone needed - I used the same url_launcher library.
var viber_link = "viber://chat/?number=$Country_Code$Mobile_Number&draft=$Message_to_be_sen”
Viber doesn’t need ‘+’ sign when writing the country code
Facebook Messenger:
var facebook_messenger_link = '$FaceBook_Name?text=$Message_to_be_sent;
Facebook Name can be found by clicking on the profile picture on Facebook and checking the URL, it comes after ‘{FB_Name}’
var telegram_link = '$Country_Code$Mobile_Number&draft=$Message_to_be_sen';
Telegram needs the ‘+’ sign when writing the country code
Then used this code for launching it:
final Uri app_link_uri = Uri.parse(app_link);
try {
await launchUrl(
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
} catch (error) {
print(‘error’ catching: $error);